Friday, March 20, 2020

Siege - Day #4

I'm having some amazing phone conversations.

Texts and emails are great, but I'm rediscovering how nice it is to talk to someone at a distance.  Just had a long chat with another set designer friend... for almost the first time with no "show" stories.  (Well, a little showbiz, we are theater designers!)

Meanwhile, here at home, the taxes are progressing slowly as is the laundry.  It's too cool and wet to do garden chores, but maybe this weekend.  I'm thinking seriously about tomato plants now that I'll be here to water them properly.

I'm doing some thinking about the writing I have planned...

Playing a little Minecraft in the evenings:

A Minecraft scene: a wheat field in my farm district being crop-dusted by helicopter.
In the distance you can just make out the carroty buildings of the carrot farm with its wind-powered mill 
for making carrot juice.  I can be silly.

Minecraft in Creative Mode is, I think, the perfect designer addiction... endless possibilities and no gravity to worry about!

A while back I discovered You Tube Minecraft videos.  My favorites are Grian for building ideas and general silliness, Mumbo Jumbo for amazing redstone contraptions (a walking village!) as well as silliness (see them both on Hermitcraft) and fWhip for lovely terraforming and building.

One of the things I find interesting both in video and in Reddit's Minecraft building discussions is watching civilians (i.e. non-architects) discovering for themselves the elements of architectural design.  It's fascinating to me to see the general impression of "modern" architecture and the overall fondness for more or less medieval styles and, separately, for symmetry. The ambition is sometimes amazing!

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