Monday, October 29, 2018

Why You Might Want to Vote for Beto O'Rourke

I voted for Beto on the first day of early voting.

Here's why:

1)  Ted Cruz is a bad senator.

When Cruz was elected to represent us - Texas - he took the Tea Party promise never to compromise while in Washington... kinda missing the whole point of representation.  You know, Congress working together - making deals and compromises - to help as many citizens as possible and advance the country.  Instead, Ted shut down the government.  

Then he ran for president.  

That meant he missed a LOT of votes in Washington and a lot of constituents in Texas.  Even after losing, Ted visits Texas now for fund raisers, but few open town halls.  He's infamous for not listening to constituents. I met one Muslim gentleman (phone banking for Beto) whose group not only couldn't get their senator to meet them... but Cruz's office staff more or less shoved them out the door and turned off the lights.  As they did during the controversial votes on Obamacare.  He hid from worried constituents.

2) Beto is a good Representative.  Comparing Ted Cruz and Beto O'Roarke, only Beto values or practices working across the aisle to get things done.  Beto also holds twice-monthly town halls.  I've seen him in town halls... Beto will take an open question from anyone.  Really listens.  And tells you what he really thinks.

At a time when politicians shout accusations and threats and riled up partisans turn to bombs and guns... we desperately need representatives who listen to citizens, who work together, and who can speak politely and honestly.  Ted Cruz even snapped at the debate moderator who asked him about civility.

3)  Personality.  Both Cruz and Beto are smart and energetic.  Perhaps Cruz is also a great guy when you get to know him (though one Republican leader called him "Satan in the flesh"), but Beto definitely wins the traditional political challenge of who-you'd-have-a-beer-with.  

I'm not so impressed by that.  What I like is that Beto seems kind.  We need kindness.

And he's hopeful.  Instead of fear, Beto talks about how we can work together to make our country better.  I appreciate that.

4)  Policies.  I agree with many of Beto's ideas, but even if you hate Democratic policies, at this dangerous moment we really, really need Congress to act as a curb on the power of the presidency and of the party in power.  Checks and balances!  

Our country is choosing what kind of country we want to be - I choose kindness and civility and hope and balance.  

I voted for Beto - I hope you will too.

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