Thursday, April 14, 2011

Film Fest Flickers

Weak entries to the Film Fest lately: last night's was The Informant with Matt Damon.

I like the actor and I'd heard a radio interview with the book's author which was fascinating, but somehow the film version was sorta lame - mildly funny, mostly weird.  In desperation, I think, the music got wackier as the film didn't get wacky enough.  Maybe one of those good ideas that just... doesn't quite work.  I'm constantly amazed in theater at the gap between good script, good director, good designers, good cast and an actual good production.  Easy to see why theater folk get superstitious: all your hard work and good intentions, then the luck or the fairies' blessing is just fickle.

I can't remember the other earlier lame film entries.

I have been drawing though, and making models, and having fun over in Squidoo-land.  My primo property there is an article called "3 Ways to Improve Your Theater Set."  Squidoo is fun, but this creating-an-author-platform jazz is, like, a full time job.  Easier to write the book than to promote it.  An Interesting Adventure, that's what this all is.  (The book being Alice, of course, in case you forgot.)

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