Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog? Or Exercise?

Well that's a no-brainer!  Someone needs to invent a treadmill powered computer - then we'd all be in shape.

Miscellany today: I finally finished The Elephant to Hollywood, Michael Caine's memoir - some pretty funny stuff about the Oscars.  Worth reading if you're fascinated by Hollywood.  A Film Fest entry so lame I've already forgotten its name, but it had Will Ferrell in it.  'Nuf said.  And on the further adventures of my book, Alice Through the Proscenium: the extra copies arrived (a crisply impressive little stack), so now I can distribute them to my faithful test readers and my Mom etc.  A few extras for sale!

Miscellaneous set designer duties today too: re-read one script; read two new ones; meet one director and email another; and return the last thing not-used in my last set (boy! was that concrete bench heavy!)

P.S. The film was The Other Guys.

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