Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fiction Round-Up

In my scanty spare time I've been reading and even watching a few films.

Recommendations, you ask?

The latest of Ben Aaronovitch's Peter Grant magic-London-copper series is finally FINALLY available in the U.S.  Broken Homes.  I read it in one day.  Very good.  A bit slower moving than some others in this series (this is #4), but that is made up for by snarky modern architecture jokes and then by the incredible sky-diving-like rush of concluding chapters and the final kick-in-the-head of its end.  Man.  I reread those few sentences three times to make sure.  Highly recommended... but start with The Rivers of London AKA Midnight Riot (#1) first.  So... when is #5 due out?  Man!  That cliffhanger ending!

I've also recently roared through Game of Thrones - the books.  Very good.  Very violent.  Someone online has made travel posters for literary places, Rivendell etc. including King's Landing from GoT, to which someone else commented that they preferred to come back from their vacations alive.  I second that: Game of Thrones is fun to visit... only on paper, thanks.  I'm waiting now for the next of that series too.

One stand-alone (so far) book: The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker.  This is a modern woman suddenly dumped in a magical alternate medieval past situation... very nicely done.

Like all the romantic vampire craze stuff out there now, many if not most of the newest fantasy and urban fantasy novels can be... well, inferior.  Mere attempts to cash in on a fad.

These are wonderful books!

Off to the theater...

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