Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Film Fest - My Week With Marilyn

It was just amazing to watch the actress Michelle Williams channel Marilyn Monroe.  My Week with Marilyn is a very well-acted film. Kenneth Branagh, always good, was a wonderfully exasperated Laurence Olivier.  And it was easy to see both how Monroe earned her reputation for being "difficult" ("difficult"? maddening! I'd have fired her), but also how potent her charm was.

Poster for My Week with Marilyn, from Wikipedia

I found the film especially interesting because I had seen the real film that this film shows the making of, The Prince and the Showgirl.  What I hadn't quite expected though was the charm of this movie.  Seen through the naive eyes of a young third assistant director named Colin, the actress, the world of film, and England have a real glow.

An extra treat for the audience is famous characters like Arthur Miller and Viviene Leigh and seeing favorite actors like Judy Dench, wonderful as a film Duchess (I think) and Emma Watson as a wardrobe girl.

Worth watching.

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