Saturday, August 13, 2011

Theatrical House Cleaning

Today was Kitchen Dog Theater's annual company meeting... an interesting of mix of stockholders' report, pep rally, donut social, and cleaning out the messy garage.  Such a talented, hard-working, jokey group!  Chores become more fun than seems right, proving the theory that, "many hands make light work."  Personally, I hate chores, but must admit to satisfaction in helping put the set dressing/building materials storage into better shape. Now that I know what we have, I can design around it...  There are a couple antique doors crying out to be used in something.

Lots of joshing, business, sweat (lots and lots of of sweat), and camaraderie.

It's nice to have a theatrical home base.  Actors and designers must usually work in several theaters in order to get enough work and you can get to feeling rootless and unloved... but it's comforting to have a place to call home.
Photo public domain - by Liam Quin 2004 in Prince Edward County

And you, Dear Reader, I invite to come home with me to see a show this season!

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