Friday, October 16, 2020

Day 215 - Love and Care

I always find writer/artist Austin Kleon's newsletter interesting and I usually learn something.  What struck me today was his musings on the nature of loving and caring.  It's understood that if you love something - a pet, a garden, a loved one - that you care for it, take care of it.

But it's equally true, if less recognized, that if you take care of something, you grow to love it.

It occurs to me that very long lines to vote show that we - who all love our country - have rediscovered that we must also take care of it.  

By caring, by standing in line if we have to (a mere 2 1/2 hours for me here in the Dallas, 11 hours somewhere in Georgia!!!)... by waiting, voting, and helping others to get their votes in we are caring more and learning to love our country and our democracy more.

Love your country.

Take care of it.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Day 206 - Please Vote

 In case you haven't heard this is An Important Election.

Please Vote.

Here's the video by actor Mandy Patinkin and his wife that best catches my anxiety about this election: